Czech Republic, North-Macedonia, Slovenia, Spain
24 Stepping into someone else's shoes
Type of project: Youth exchange Download PDF Developed by: Erasmus+ project – European Commission ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details-page/?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/dcdd8d44-1de9- 4b78-b931-435b1ecfc4dd-
Country Czech Republic, North-Macedonia, Slovenia, Spain
Year 2016
Synthesis of the case study
The youth exchange took place in the middle of summer 2016. Partner organisations / informal group of young people came from Slovenia (Društvo širjenja uporabnih znanj), Macedonia (Association for sustainable development SFERA MACEDONIA), Czech Republic (Tmelník o.s.) and Spain (Aduna: engánchate a Europa). Each country was represented by six people, with two of them youngsters, two with a background of fewer opportunities and one youth leader. The participants were between ages 14 to 21 and the youth exchange took place in Krško from 14 to 21 of July.